Transformative solutions at the nexus of humans, disasters, and urban systems.
Crises, like flooding and pandemics, growingly affect communities and people. Our goal is to create knowledge and technologies to reduce the social, economic, and physical impacts of these disasters on communities.
A new perspective on urban resilience
Our approach to urban resilience is unique, as we work at the interface of urban science, complex networks, artificial intelligence. Read on to learn about the themes we explore.
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RT @Mostafavi_Ali: New paper from our lab led by @FlaviaPatrascu presents a spatial model for predictive recovery monitoring based on…
RT @Mostafavi_Ali: New paper from our lab led by @liujiafu15 reveals hazard-exposure heterophily as latent characteristics of communit…
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We welcome sustaining and synergistic collaborations with the public agencies, the industry practitioners, and the academic community around the globe to address the grand challenges of the 21st century. Reach out to us to learn more!